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Da-Yeh University

2024 Impact Rankings
No.168, University Rd., Dacun, Changhua, 51591, Taiwan

关于 Da-Yeh University

Da-Yeh University (DYU) was founded in 1990. Currently, there are more than 10,000 students studying at the seven colleges: Engineering; Design and Arts; Management; Foreign Languages; Biotechnology and Bioresources; Tourism and Hospitality; and Nursing and Health. DYU has been awarded with the Teaching Excellence Project from the Ministry of Education in consecutive years, which indicates the high teaching standard overall, excellent management and the great potential of DYU. Students have been winners at events such as the German RedDot Design Competition, the Nurnberg International Exhibition of Inventions in Germany, the Moscow Achimedes International Exhibition of Inventions in Russia and the International Exhibition of Inventions in Italy. DYU cultivates its students with four distinctive features: being willing to learn, to engage, to share and to be responsible through learning from apprenticeship.


Da-Yeh University 的排名数据分析
