关于 Kyiv National Economic University
Kyiv National Economic University, named after Vadym Hetman, is one of the leading and biggest economic higher education establishments in Ukraine. The university has a centre of distance learning, library, economic and production centres, publishing house, archives, sports complex, campus, custodial service and other structural units in addition to faculties, departments, institutes and colleges. There are also plans for the creation of a new scientific park.
Kyiv National Economic University 的排名数据分析
- 10,873Number of FTE Students(1)
- 24%Proportion of ISR Publications(1)
- 12.0每位教职员对学生数量(1)
- 60 : 40女生对男生的学生比例(1)
- 0%国际学生比例(1)
基于 (1) 2025 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据
Kyiv National Economic University 的授予学科
Business & economics
- Accounting & Finance
- Economics & Econometrics
- Business & Management
Social sciences
- Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)
- Sociology
- Law
- Psychology
Computer science
- Computer Science