关于 Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health
Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health is an institution for medical education in the Ferghana Valley of Uzbekistan.
Founded in 1934, Fergana Medical Institute has continued to evolve and adapt to new technologies and medical practices.
Courses at the university include epidemiology, public health policy, environmental health, languages, nursing, microbiology, virology and immunology, chemistry and biology, biophysics and IT among others.
The school has laboratories, simulation centres, and other facilities that allow students to gain hands-on experience and develop practical skills.
The university also has a network of teaching hospitals in the area, which offer clinical experience and training opportunities to its students.
Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health 的排名数据分析
- 15.8每位教职员对学生数量(1)
- 2%国际学生比例(1)
- 49 : 51女生对男生的学生比例(1)
- n/aProportion of ISR Publications(1)
- 1,804Number of FTE Students(1)
基于 (1) 2024 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据
Fergana Medical Institute of Public Health 的授予学科
Computer science
- Computer Science
- Psychology
Arts & humanities
- Languages, Literature & Linguistics
- History, Philosophy & Theology
Clinical, pre-clinical & health
- Medicine & Dentistry
- Other Health
Life sciences
- Biological Sciences
Physical sciences
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Chemistry