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Islamic University of Lebanon

Impact Rankings 2024
P.O. Box 30014, Khaldeh, Mount Lebanon Governorate, 30014, Lebanon

About Islamic University of Lebanon

Established in 1996, the Islamic University of Lebanon is a higher education institution with four campuses in Lebanon: the main Khaldeh Campus, Wardaniyeh Campus, Tyre Campus and Baalbek Campus.

Students can study a variety of courses at undergraduate and graduate level within nine faculties, including: engineering, economics and business administration, nursing and health sciences, sciences and arts, law, political, administrative and diplomatic Sciences, Islamic Studies, Letters and Human Sciences and Tourism Sciences.

There’s also a language centre, offering a wide range of courses designed to develop English and French language skills to enhance career opportunities for students.

There’s a main library based in Khaldeh as well as branch libraries in Tyre, Balbeck, and Wardaneih.The Library collections include more than 40,000 items: books, periodicals, audio-visual materials, encyclopedias, dictionaries and other resources. These collections cover all the specialties in three languages: Arabic, French and English.

The Islamic University of Lebanon has established relationships with universities around the world, carrying out various exchange activities such as academic exchanges, scientific research cooperation and the opportunity for students to study abroad.

The university is a member of the Francophone University Agency (AUF), a member and former president of the Conference of Rectors in the Middle East Region (CONFREMO), a partner of European Projects Erasmus+, and has also signed many bilateral agreements with Arab and European universities.


Explore rankings data for Islamic University of Lebanon

All ranked institutions have an overall score and 4 pillar scores. However for each pillar, only institutions ranked in the top 500 overall or the top 500 in this pillar have a publicly visible score