Centro Universitário de João Pessoa - UNIPÊ

Impact Rankings 2024
BR 230 - Km 22, Agua Fria, Joao Pessoa, Paraíba, 58053-000, Brazil

About Centro Universitário de João Pessoa - UNIPÊ

Centro Universitário de João Pessoa - UNIPÊ is located in the Brazilian city of Joao Pessoa. It dates back to 1971, but was officially established in 1997. In 2018 the university became part of the Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional, Brazil’s fifth-largest education group.

The private university has two campuses: its Joao Pessoa campus, which is located near the Mata do Buraquinho and has a green space with ecologically friendly buildings; and its Campina Grande campus.

With over 200 programmes, the university’s course offering ranges across: architecture, design, arts and fashion; communication; law, internal relations and political science; education; engineering and technology; gastronomy and hospitality; management and business; and health. Postgraduate degrees, technological studies, R2 teacher training, and pedagogy for graduates are also offered at the university.

As well as its standard undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, Centro Universitario de Joao Pessoa offers a wide range free courses, mostly online, in areas such as the practice of yoga, the pedagogy of play, and classical physics in everyday life. These range from two to six months and can act as extensions to students' chosen degrees.

Students can choose which class format suits them best, a unique feature of the university. Whether face-to-face, learning live though online classes, or combining the two, students can make their education work around their daily lives. There’s also a range of entry options, from the merit entrance exam to the ENEM high school grading, to using the ENCCEJA grade to compete for a scholarship.


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