About Ambrose Alli University
Ambrose Alli University was founded as Bendel State University in 1981. It then became Edo State University in 1992 and took its current name in honour of its founder, the state governor of Bendel.
The university was established with eight colleges and there are now 14 faculties at the university including agriculture, arts, communication sciences, education, engineering and technology, environmental studies, law, life sciences, management sciences, medical laboratory sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, medicine, basic medical sciences and clinical science.
Among the newer buildings on campus is the complex created for the faculty of life sciences in 2018.
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Key statistics
- 46.4No. of students per staff(1)
- 0%Percentage of International Students(1)
- 52 : 48Student Ratio of Females to Males(1)
- 33%Proportion of ISR Publications(1)
- 536,277Number of FTE Students(1)
Based on data collected for the (1) 2025 World University Rankings
Subjects taught at Ambrose Alli University
Arts & humanities
- Languages, Literature & Linguistics
- Architecture
- Art, Performing Arts & Design
- History, Philosophy & Theology
Engineering & technology
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Physical sciences
- Chemistry
- Physics & Astronomy
- Mathematics & Statistics
Business & economics
- Economics & Econometrics
- Business & Management
- Accounting & Finance
Life sciences
- Agriculture & Forestry
- Biological Sciences
- Education
Social sciences
- Geography
- Communication & Media Studies
- Sociology
- Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)
Clinical, pre-clinical & health
- Medicine & Dentistry
Computer science
- Computer Science
- Psychology
- Law