Jamhuriya University of Science and Technology (JUST)

SSA University Rankings 2024
Digfeer Street Hodon District, Banadir Region, Mogadishu, Banaadir, Somalia

About Jamhuriya University of Science and Technology (JUST)

Jamhuriya University of Science and Technology (JUST) has three campuses, all located in Mogadishu, Somalia. Its main campus is located on Digfeer Street, with secondary campuses located on Benadir Street. It has six faculties and 22 programmes.

Offering both undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes, JUST has six faculties from which students can choose, including: computing and IT, engineering, medicine and health science, economics and management, veterinary and agricultural sciences, and education.

Students can get involved with extracurricular activities on campus from sports to community service, cultural activities to career development, and counselling to writing for publications. Throughout the year the university holds a number of events on campus, from conferences to sporting events. During orientation week, students participate in a welcoming opening ceremony and gain new study skills to prepare them for the year ahead.

Through the university’s partnership with The Association of Business Executives [ABE], a range of business qualifications from management to finance and human resources can be accessed by students before they embark on a university course. The ABE provides internationally recognised credentials for aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders.