The Europe Teaching Rankings look at student engagement. A total of 14 factors feed into the data, which are used to reflect the broad strength of institutions
The 2019 Young University Rankings indicate the changing picture among newer institutions around the world. Here we explain the methodology that underpins the tables
The region as a whole needs to reform its university sector to better serve its citizens, and that requires collaboration, argues Efraín Gonzales de Olarte
The World University Rankings performance indicators are the heart of the Latin America University Rankings, but we give them some adjustments to take account of the area’s unique characteristics
China’s Belt and Road project aims to foster regional cooperation on a vast scale. Ellie Bothwell explores what that and other regional initiatives might mean for higher education in Asia
Many institutions’ missions mean they do work that changes lives but never wins wide attention. Our new University Impact Rankings aim to recognise them
The higher education experience shapes students’ capacity to contribute to the world as ethical, compassionate and civic-minded global citizens, says Barney Glover
Can sharing a city with a more prestigious neighbour make it easier or harder for an institution to realise its value? Jack Grove examines the competition
Too often, the life-changing work of less prestigious universities goes overlooked. THE’s University Impact Rankings aim to change that, says Phil Baty