University funding/finances
Universities would have to share proposed equity grants scheme with colleges and non-profits
Association of Colleges urges government review to take action on England’s unconditional offers and admissions ‘free-for-all’
Government washing its hands over ‘market failure’, finance guru says
The mercury has fallen, but an alarming number of issues threaten to ignite and, potentially, give the UK sector some painful burns
Hepi paper highlights that ‘progressive’ reforms mean poorer students will have larger debts and less cash in hand than before
Australian universities are nervous about how governments, students and their own academics will react to new legal curbs on ‘foreign influence’, says Dean Forbes
Be more bolshie in your negotiations with government, sector told
Steady ship predicted as education portfolio changes hands
Political meltdown scotches hopes for stability in university sector
Ministers reassure after funding agencies’ warnings of ‘serious impact’ for Brazilian research from cuts, but others see false promises ahead of election
Three Ontario universities band together, aiming to share risk and reap benefits
Government steps in after scams undermine consumer protection arrangements
Latest figures from annual Complete University Guide survey reveal another big uplift in master’s fees for UK and European Union students
Prime minister’s charm offensive proves timely, as Chinese student visa applications stall
While students protest, repayment arrangements will still be kinder than elsewhere
Australia’s top universities deliver greater economic benefits than their UK equivalents, study finds
New president of German Rectors’ Conference thinks it is crucial that all students know the European canon
Educators relax as Australian PM offers olive branch
Office for Students expects to take on responsibility for supporting wider range of providers from next August
New funding stream should give a boost to those pursuing innovative projects
New analysis on the full economic costs of research and teaching by ‘peer group’ raises concerns about long-term sustainability of some institutions
Ten-point plan for post-school education also backs merger of vocational and university funding systems
Higher charges, if accompanied by financial aid, do not reduce access for low-income students or significantly change student behaviour, says study
John Ross examines what Jacinda Ardern’s policy might mean for institutions, employers and students
Is Australia’s higher education export industry destined to become a victim of its own success?
Likely downturn in recruitment coincides with dwindling domestic funding
Small colleges are renting out dormitory rooms, licensing coffins and selling their own ketchup
The entanglement of the university and tech worlds faces increased scrutiny following the Cambridge Analytica scandal. Could joint positions in industry and academia offer a workable and ethically defensible way forward? David Matthews reports
Scholar praises Indian government for supporting only universities that are ‘ready now’ to become world-class
Figures on full economic costs of research and teaching show significant growth in gap that is plugged mainly by overseas student fees
Abandonment of demand-driven funding is working its way through the sector
Rule changes could lead to ‘mis-selling’ of qualifications that are not full degrees, higher education institutions warn
Experts see shift towards international approach in granting of greater autonomy to handful of leading universities
Government rewards three public and three private institutions but fails to reach target of giving 20 universities elite status
China’s internal policies, such as Belt and Road initiative, may hold the key to protecting a critical revenue stream
Visa data, contradicted by Home Affairs figures, raise questions over treatment of Chinese doctoral applicants
Basic research bears the brunt of a general decline in spending
Some commentators have urged the UK to replicate German universities of applied science. It’s not that simple, says Neil Shirtcliffe
Hungarian Academy of Sciences will ‘continue negotiations’ after government bid to take charge of research financing
European Union students enrolling in 2019-20 will pay the same fees as UK students
Last week’s legislative delay has not stopped the government tightening the screws on student debt
Controversial legislation will not be considered before August
Post-18 review likely to be pressed by government to lower fees without extra spending
Appealing to students and their families made electoral sense for the Labour Party, but its promises have saddled it with a lot of low-value spending, says Roger Smyth
Fee-free policy cheaper than expected, as enrolments remain subdued
New analysis shows regions were benefiting directly from uncapping of places
Minutes show investment board saw draft of council decision against full divestment
Regional universities say complex measures are needed to do justice to teaching standards
Only a completely new institutional structure will see teaching and research on organisations become a proper, socially responsible subject, and not merely a cash cow, says Martin Parker
If the Australian government wants to link university funding to student satisfaction, it must ensure that scores reflect more than students’ gender, wealth or ease of passage, says Julie Hare
The Oakland Promise, like a number of local schemes in the US, aims to be a ‘cradle to career’ programme moving more of the city’s children into higher education. John Morgan visits California to assess it
Populist Doug Ford wants to expand mandate of province’s higher education regulator
Danny Dorling suggests limiting debts to pre-2012 levels
Further education has suffered a dark decade in Australia, but now even universities are beginning to think things have gone too far. John Ross reports
Sector vulnerability highlighted as business model tips further towards international education
The boom in international students and researchers on campus has obvious benefits, but Australian universities risk going financially bust if they stop coming, and maybe even if they don’t
Queensland says A$125 million (£71 million) project ‘makes a clear and bold statement’
Slash interest rates and reintroduce maintenance loans, says critical report
Dramatic cuts to public funding and an exodus of talent in the midst of an economic crisis endanger country’s position as a leader in Latin American higher education
Widely varying tuition fees and financial aid programmes prevent students from making fully informed decisions, and policymakers from understanding the effects of interventions, say Ross Finnie, Richard Mueller and Arthur Sweetman