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Al-Hadba University College

2024 Impact Rankings
Al-Faisaliah - near Al-Rabeeh, Mosul, Nineveh Governorate, Iraq

关于 Al-Hadba University College

Al-Hadba University College was founded in 1994 and was the first private university in Mosul, the largest city in Northern Iraq.

Students are divided between daytime and evening enrolments. Women accounted for more than 40 per cent of the daytime roll, but only around one in five at evening classes.

Daytime and evening classes are provided by faculties of accountancy, business management, English language, law, computer technology engineering, medical equipment technology engineering and medical laboratory technology.

The daytime-only faculties are anaesthesia, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy and physical education and sports science.


Al-Hadba University College 的排名数据分析
