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American University of Cyprus

2024 Impact Rankings: 优质教育
2024 Impact Rankings: 促进目标实现的伙伴关系
Ammochostou Avenue 52, Larnaka, Lankaran District, 6019, Cyprus

关于 American University of Cyprus

American University of Cyprus was inaugurated in 2021 in the coastal city of Larnaka.

Provision was drawn up with guidance from the University of Massachusetts while CASS Europe Business School advises the faculty of business administration and economics.

The science and technology faculty offers a degree in computer science. Arts and humanities has a degree in design and a master's in landscape architecture, while business and administration has degrees in management and marketing and accounting and finance, plus an MBA and a master's in real estate management.

The department of continuing education offers Greek language, dance, music and acting plus professional courses in real estate and in digital marketing.

Research projects include the European Commission-funded Abacus programme intended to develop more effective ways of teaching data-related subjects.


American University of Cyprus 的排名数据分析
