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Ecole Superieure de Commerce-Alger

2024 Impact Rankings
42003 Kolea, Tipaza, Algerie, Algeria

关于 Ecole Superieure de Commerce-Alger

Ecole Supérieure de Commerce- Alger is a business school in located in Koléa, Algeria. It is also popularly referred to as the High School of Commerce.

It was established in 1900.

The university offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in difference areas of commerce including finance, marketing, international business, and entrepreneurship. Ecole Supérieure de Commerce- Alger campus includes facilities such as spacious classrooms and amphitheatres, student housing facilities, cafeterias, workshops and recreational centres. The school also has a modern library located in the annex block, with books, journals and master’s and doctoral theses in the three languages: Arabic, French, and English.

In addition to this, the university also has student clubs and cultural and sports associations. Numerous events and activities are organised throughout the year.


Ecole Superieure de Commerce-Alger 的排名数据分析
