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Ifugao State University

2024 Impact Rankings
Nayon, Ifugao, Lamut, 3605, Philippines

关于 Ifugao State University

Ifugao State University was started by American educators as an agricultural college in 1920. It offered its first degree-level courses, in agriculture and in home technology, in the 1970s and attained full university status in 2012.

The only tertiary institution in the state, its main campus is at Lamut, 120 miles south of Manila. Other campuses are located in Hapao, Tinoc, Aguinaldo and Potia.

Students can study at colleges of health science, computer science, arts and science, agriculture and home science, education, criminal justice education and advanced education. Agriculture is taught at all five campuses.


Ifugao State University 的排名数据分析
