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Rose Bruford College

2025 世界大学排名
Lamorbey Park, Burnt Oak Lane, Sidcup, Kent, DA15 9DF, United Kingdom

关于 Rose Bruford College

Rose Bruford College is a drama and theatre school. It was originally established in 1950 as The Rose Bruford Training College of Speech and Drama. Rose Bruford founded the college as part of her mission to train actors who could teach and teachers who could act.

Undergraduate students can choose to study a range of courses specialising in theatre and performing arts such as costume production, lighting design, stage and events management, and virtual theatre and digital experience. There are also postgraduate courses on offer including actor musicianship, collaborative theatre making, and theatre for young audiences.

The university embodies its three core values of integrity, creativity and inclusion in all its work. Its mission is to help students grow both personally and professionally to become change-makers of the future. The university equips its students with the tools they need to thrive in the creative industry.

Notable alumni of the college include author, presenter and actress Giovanna Fletcher, actress Lake Bell, actress Rosalie Craig, and actor and writer Tom Baker. Gary Oldman, who won an Academy Award in 2018 for Best Actor for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in the film Darkest Hour, is also part of the college’s alumni network.

The university is located in Sidcup, a suburb in south-east London, UK. Sidcup is home to a variety of theatres, galleries and museums, which students can visit in their spare time. It is also a half an hour train journey from Central London and the West End, where students are encouraged to regularly attend shows and performances.


Rose Bruford College 的排名数据分析





  • 23%
  • 18.9
  • 59 : 41
  • 850
    Number of FTE Students
  • 0%
    Proportion of ISR Publications
基于 (1) 2025 世界大学排名和排行榜收集的数据

Rose Bruford College 的授予学科

  • Arts & humanities

    • Art, Performing Arts & Design