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TED University

2024 Impact Rankings
Ziya Gokalp Caddesi No.48, Kolej Cankaya, Ankara, 06420, Turkey

关于 TED University

Founded in 2012 by the Turkish Education Association (TED), TED University is located in the heart of the capital city of Ankara.

The university consists of five faculties: architecture, arts and sciences, economics and administrative sciences; education and engineering. Teaching is conducted in English.

To help ensure that students graduate from TED University ready for the professional world, there is a Career Centre. The aim is to prepare students for interviews as well as organising job placements during academic study.

On campus, students will find hostel accommodation. All rooms include bathrooms and the residence offers common areas for recreation, studying and social activities. There’s also a medical centre, library, and internet and TV rooms.

There are plenty of cultural activities for students to take part in, including clubs, concerts, theatre performances, films and exhibitions. Clubs include architecture and design society, cinema society, history society, animal friends society and theatre society.

Students can use the sports centre free of charge, which includes a fitness centre, indoor swimming pool and sports studios.

TED University has established relationships with universities around the world, carrying out various exchange activities such as academic exchanges, scientific research cooperation and the opportunity for students to study abroad.

Partner universities include Khazar University (Azerbaijan), Sheffield Hallam University (United Kingdom) and University of Missouri (US).


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