About Asian Institute of Technology
The Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) is an international institute of higher learning. It was established in 1959 to help meet the region’s growing needs for advanced learning in engineering, science, technology and management, research and capacity building. AIT’s mission is to develop highly qualified and committed professionals who will play a leading role in the sustainable development of the region and its integration into the global economy. AIT is based in Thailand and has affiliated centres in other parts of the world.
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Explore rankings data for Asian Institute of Technology
All ranked institutions have an overall score and 4 pillar scores. However for each pillar, only institutions ranked in the top 500 overall or the top 500 in this pillar have a publicly visible score
Key statistics
- 37 : 63Student Ratio of Females to Males(1)
- 70%Percentage of International Students(1)
- 20.6No. of students per staff(1)
- n/aProportion of ISR Publications(1)
- 1,838Number of FTE Students(1)
Based on data collected for the (1) 2020 World University Rankings
Subjects taught at Asian Institute of Technology
Social sciences
- Sociology
- Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)
- Geography
Business & economics
- Business & Management
- Accounting & Finance
- Economics & Econometrics
Life sciences
- Biological Sciences
- Agriculture & Forestry
Engineering & technology
- Chemical Engineering
- General Engineering
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering
- Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
- Civil Engineering
Physical sciences
- Chemistry
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Geology, Environmental, Earth & Marine Sciences
Arts & humanities
- Architecture
Computer science
- Computer Science