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Caleb University - Imota-Lagos

Impact Rankings 2024
Km 15, Ikorodu-Itoikin Road, Imota Town, Lagos, Punjab Province, 21238, Nigeria

About Caleb University - Imota-Lagos

Caleb University was established in 2007, and offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees across science, education, law, and social sciences. The campus is located in the Nigerian state of Lagos, in the Imota district.

With 43 undergraduate programmes, Caleb’s students can take classes at any of their seven colleges. Courses range widely, and include: accounting, biochemistry, christian religious studies, estate management, history and diplomatic studies, law, physics, and zoology and aquaculture. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of Caleb’s study abroad programmes at one of its international partner universities.

The Creativity Center, gallery of artwork, and performing arts events are there for students interested in the arts. Its health and wellness centre, fitness suites, and athletics facilities can be used by students. Cycling is a popular way to get around campus, but there’s also a free campus shuttle and car-sharing opportunities.


Explore rankings data for Caleb University - Imota-Lagos

All ranked institutions have an overall score and 4 pillar scores. However for each pillar, only institutions ranked in the top 500 overall or the top 500 in this pillar have a publicly visible score