About Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
The Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics is a higher education institution in Ukraine. It is one of the oldest technology universities in Ukraine with over 7,000 students and 30 scientific centres.
The university was founded in 1930 and has undergone a number of name changes before settling under its current name in 1993. It was advanced from university status to National University in 2001.
The university focuses its research and teaching on electrical engineering, electronics, telecommunications, ICT and computer technologies.
There are eight faculties in total: computer sciences; computer engineering and control; information and analytical technologies and management; information radio technologies and technical information security; infocommunications; automation and computer technologies; electronic and biomedical engineering and foreign citizens training.
The are 33 departments within these faculties. The university provides a wide range of programmes in technical specialties including microelectronics and nanotechnology to artificial intelligence and media systems, from radio and biomedical engineering to computer science.
On the campus, there are 10 university buildings and eight student dormitories.
The scientific library contains more than 1.5 million paper copies. Six scientific journals are published at the university and a number of scientific conferences are held at the university.
The university also has a number of Skills Schools that are open to domestic and international students to study courses in a number of different skills including Java, Linux, Front-End basics, and Android programming.
The career centre at the university forms links with offices and organisations where students can undertake work experience or training and look for employment after graduation.
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Key statistics
- 10.9No. of students per staff(1)
- 6%Percentage of International Students(1)
- 27 : 73Student Ratio of Females to Males(1)
- 20%Proportion of ISR Publications(1)
- 7,684Number of FTE Students(1)
Subjects taught at Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
Computer science
- Computer Science
Engineering & technology
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering
- Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Physical sciences
- Physics & Astronomy
- Mathematics & Statistics