About Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies is a foreign language university in Kyoto, Japan.
The university specialises in research and teaching nine languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Italian, Russian, and Japanese.
The university also has a faculty in global engagement.
There are many academic programmes for international students through the faculties of global engagement and Japanese studies.
Students must organise their own accommodation, but the university can help throughout the process. The studies centre can also help with financial advice and finding part-time work for international students.
The community engagement programme connects students and staff with local community projects and programmes.
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Explore rankings data for Kyoto University of Foreign Studies
All ranked institutions have an overall score and 4 pillar scores. However for each pillar, only institutions ranked in the top 500 overall or the top 500 in this pillar have a publicly visible score
Key statistics
- 10.3No. of students per staff(1)
- ¥2,249Finance per Student (¥000s)(1)
- 6.3Percentage of International Students(1)
- 3,840Number of FTE Students(1)
Based on data collected for the (1) 2023 Japan University Rankings