University of Sheffield - Sheffield University Management School
About University of Sheffield - Sheffield University Management School
Sheffield University Management School is the business school of the University of Sheffield, located in a modern, dedicated facility near the main campus that includes an "employability hub".
There are 2,000 students attending the school across undergraduate and postgraduate disciplines.
Undergraduate students can choose from: accounting and financial Management; business management; international business management; business or accounting with another subject; accounting and financial management and economics; accounting and financial management and mathematics; business management and economics; business management and mathematics; business management with a language; business management and modern languages and cultures; business management and Japanese studies and Chinese studies and business management.
Postgraduate courses are available in: accounting, governance and financial management; creative and cultural industries management; finance and accounting; global marketing management; human resource management with CIPD Pathway; human resource management; information systems management; international management; international management and marketing; logistics and supply chain management; management; management (international business); marketing management practice; occupational psychology and work psychology.
There is also The Sheffield MBA, an EMBA in Advanced Manufacturing Management and a PhD option.
Sheffield University Management School has a number of research centres, groups and clusters, including: Centre for Energy and Environmental Sustainability (CEES); Centre for Accounting and Finance in Context (CRAFiC); Centre for Regional Economic and Enterprise Development (CREED); Centre for Research in Marketing and Society (CReiMS); Institute of Work Psychology (IWP); Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM); and Strategy and International Business and Work, Organisation & Employment Relations Research Centre (WOERRC).
The School received triple accreditation in 2012 (AMBA, AACSB and EQUIS), making it one of 60 business schools to hold that honour.
In terms of rankings, the 2014 Research Excellence Framework put the school at 14th on its list.